When I say battery voltage, I am not talking about just getting a voltmeter and putting it on the positive and negative posts, as you will only get what’s called a surface charge, which won’t tell you what’s actually going on when the battery is under load (i.e. The very first thing that needs to be checked is battery voltage. Tyler has been elbow deep in diesel engines for years, especially Cummins, so he is a wealth of information when trying to cure a plagued engine.
In order to help out, we had our very own Tyler Lucas, put together this step by step tutorial that you will hopefully find insightful. We must have developed quite a name for ourselves over the years, as frequently we even get calls from shops that are scratching their heads, hoping we have the golden ticket, and fortunately, we usually do! One of the most common calls we get are from customers with a 2003-2007 Cummins that have developed either a hard start or no start condition. Fortunately, we’re typically able to help diagnose and give recommendations for products or procedures to remedy the issue. We get a lot of calls on a daily basis with customers trying to diagnose some type of issue with their truck.